Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thank You

Today is Thanksgiving (in the USA - it was last week in Canada, which is why I got into a muddle on Tuesday).

We don't celebrate it here in Britain, but I like the idea of Thanksgiving. A public holiday dedicated to recalling your blessings and giving thanks for them, what a super basis for a holiday. I've decided just for this year to mark the day myself. I won't be roasting a turkey or eating creamed sweet potatoes. But I am going to spend the day looking out for my many blessings and giving prayerful thanks to God for them. I have got in touch with some special people in my life and thanked them, both in person and by post. And I want to thank you.

Yes you.

Thank you, my dear readers. Thank you for reading what I write. Without you I wouldn't bother blogging. Thank you for leaving comments. I am always delighted to receive your comments, it makes my day. Thank you for subscribing to my feed. Thank you for Stumbling, Digging, and social-bookmarking some of my posts. Thank you for linking to me from your own blogs and websites. Thank you.

I wish you a happy and blessed Thanksgiving, if you're celebrating today. And if you're not, I wish you a very happy Thursday.


Anonymous said...

Happy thanksgiving to you too Mel. And thank you for your blog, I love reading it.

KibitzKnitz said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you, too! We got our first snow last night, and we'll eat some fabulous food today with family. Yay!

Anonymous said...

May you have a grand day of thanks! I'll eat pumpkin pie for ya (it's what we do here in the South [Arkansas, USA] for the big day)!

Yellow said...

I thought that was a beautiful sentiment, and well interpreted, Mel. Happy thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I really enjoy your blog, very interesting and informative.

As a Canadian, I thought I'd let you know that Thanksgiving was celebrated last month in Canada (the first Monday of October), not last week. :o)


Melanie Rimmer said...

Doh! I can't get anything right.

Anonymous said...

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