
Fritz Schumacher, ex Soil Association President and green guru didn't mind being called a crank because, he said, a crank is a small, simple and efficient tool that makes revolutions.
One of my favourite cranks is Pat Gardiner, who maintains a website called Self Sufficiency In Style.
The website is frequently updated. It's full of Pat's articles on practical things like keeping livestock, buying a smallholding, or making cream. It also has philosophical musings on the difference between self sufficiency and survivalism, the four seasons, or leaving a legacy. Just for balance there are very funny essays such as a boobs and blunders, a wry look at fashions, and a comparison of American and British attitudes to transport. Although the site is large and doesn't follow standard advice on website design I find it easy to get around and easy to read due to Pat's style of writing in short manageable sections, interspersed with pictures and cartoons.
I've also found Pat to be very approachable and ready to answer questions and help out a struggling beginner via long and detailed emails, so why not spend a little time visiting his site?
One of my favourite cranks is Pat Gardiner, who maintains a website called Self Sufficiency In Style.
The writer, a rather conventional businessman, was forced to retire early. He miserably roamed the highways and byways of Europe in a beat-up pick-up truck half-heartedly searching for a new life. Eventually, he owned up to an lifetime's ambition to grow his own food. With his wife, he resurrected a dream, bought a smallholding and made a new happier life. They now live in a lovely cottage, in a beautiful setting, eating well and enjoying life to the full. This is how they did it.
The website is frequently updated. It's full of Pat's articles on practical things like keeping livestock, buying a smallholding, or making cream. It also has philosophical musings on the difference between self sufficiency and survivalism, the four seasons, or leaving a legacy. Just for balance there are very funny essays such as a boobs and blunders, a wry look at fashions, and a comparison of American and British attitudes to transport. Although the site is large and doesn't follow standard advice on website design I find it easy to get around and easy to read due to Pat's style of writing in short manageable sections, interspersed with pictures and cartoons.
I've also found Pat to be very approachable and ready to answer questions and help out a struggling beginner via long and detailed emails, so why not spend a little time visiting his site?
This is the last quilt picture in this week-long online personal quilt show. I have other quilts and maybe I'll post more pictures in a while. Today's quilt is a Hug Quilt, which is a quilt made by a group of friends for another friend who is going through a tough time. Some of my friends on rec.crafts.textiles.quilting made this for me a couple of years back and needless to say I treasure it very much.
I have always believed in the virtue of self-sufficiency and we have been practising this in France for the last 4 years. In theory it is an excellent concept but for the person ready to embark, please do not forget that alongside with the heavy toil involved, a living must be earnt somehow.....
yes I agree, you have to have money to pay local taxes etc. here in france also.....
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