Monday, September 25, 2006

Advertising On This Blog

I've been approached by someone who wants to put an ad on this blog. Once I realised it wasn't just automated spam, but a real person who had read the blog, I was mildly flattered. But I was also concerned and I agonised about it quite a bit.

So I looked at the other blogs I read regularly. Some of them had advertising, some didn't. Often I was surprised because I hadn't noticed the advertising before I looked for it. It makes me wonder how effective they can be if we can mentally filter them out so effectively. But that's not my problem.

In the end I decided that, since this site is all about my family's search for self-sufficiency, if we can turn this (already existing) blog into an extra income stream, that speeds the day when we can buy some land, Ed can give up his day job and we can try to live the life we dream about. It will also make me more committed to keeping the blog running and keeping the quality high.

So I said yes. I expect the ad (just one so far) will be appearing in the next day or so. But I'd be curious to know what you think. Do you feel strongly about ads on websites? Let me know by leaving a comment - you don't have to have a account to do that. This isn't a democratic vote by the way. It's my blog and I'll do what I want with it. But I'm interested in your opinion.


blackberry44 said...

I'd say that, in principle, if extra money helps you achieve your family's dreams, go for it, but it would depend on the advertisement really. I'll have to wait until I've seen it before I can really make up my mind.

Having said that, I wish someone would offer me money to advertise on mine!

Anonymous said...

If it's not obtrusive I don't see it being a problem. And if it's not something you're not ethically opposed to, of course!

Nerd in the Country said...

Advertising is a good way to keep motivated when blogging. If you spend the time writing something enjoyable or interesting, why not get paid?

I have given it lots of thought, and plan on doing it myself. I'm drawing the line at pop-ups and flashing ads, though.

Anonymous said...

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