
On doing without
There is nothing better than having all that you want - but doesn't that make life a little empty? Doesn't having all you want make you want more - even if "more" is not really important in itself. Doesn't wanting more leave you with closets full of things that you either don't want or you want but have no time to use. Have you got a collection of music that you have no time to listen to, or a collection of books that you have no time to read? Have less. Enjoy what you have. Work hard for what you need. Sometimes you will have to wait - sometimes you wait for a very long time, but you have the joy of expectation. You have the joy of need and the joy of expectation.
This also struck a deep chord with me. Over on uk.rec.sheds, my spiritual home, we were recently discussing the pleasure of watching old black-and-white movies on a weekday afternoon, because there was nothing else on. This was sparked by the comment:
Now, however, kids can find an endless supply of whatever they want to watch; if they want to watch three episodes an hour of ScoobiDoo then they can. Add to that the absence of the old films anyway, the serendipity of afternoon TV has gone, probably for ever.
In our age of choice it's unusual to choose to do without, but I believe there is much to be gained from it.
We shouldn't forget however, that it's one thing to voluntarily go without because you have chosen that lifestyle and quite another to be constantly up against it, worrying about paying the gas bill and how to buy shoes for the children, especially in a society which appears to value people only for their money, status, possessions and standard of living.
People who have to live like that have often very little chance of achieving their ambitions in relation to "wants", rather than "needs".
Sorry if that sounds like preaching, but I see a lot of it around here.
Not at all. It's an important point and I'm glad you made it.
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