Friday, September 29, 2006

Eglus in the News

I don't normally like to blog about news stories too often but I couldn't let this pass without telling you about it. It's a story from the BBC News website about eglus. I once described eglus as

...funky urban henhouses for the iPod generation. They look like someone has disembowelled an iMac and attached a run on the front.

I thought I was being original and witty, but if you google for eglu+imac you'll see that almost everybody who has written about eglus has made the comparison.

We decided to save the £400 and make a henhouse out of an underused wendy house, and very swanky it is too. But if you don't happen to have an old wendy house knocking around, then an eglu isn't a bad way to go. I applaud them for making poultry-keeping accessible to the masses.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mel,
I love the idea of Eglus but disagree about £400 meaning they're accessible to the masses! It's similar to a long-running argument I have with Nick about computer costs: for many people living with the kind of social exclusion I deal with as part of my work, voluntary activity and writing, even £40 let alone £400 is a ridiculous amount of money.That said, I'm still adamant I'd like some Buff Orpingtons one day....

Melanie Rimmer said...

Ooh, Hi Helen! Great to see you again.

I take your point, but it's not just the cost of keeping chickens that stops people doing it, it's even imagining that they could in the first place. The Eglu people have tacked the "imagination" problem as well as designing a (very expensive) hen house, and articles in the media also help. Once people hear that keeping chickens is no harder than keeping a goldfish (it isn't) they might start thinking "I'd like to do that, but to hell with forking out £400, I wonder if I can get a henhouse on eBay, or make one myself". You can pick up ex-battery hens for literally a few pence if you can get to an egg farm.

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