You can also have fun adding herbs, garlic, or any other flavourings you like. Lots of freshly ground black pepper is nice (I really mean lots and lots so you get a distinct hot peppery taste), or shredded smoked salmon. Chives or finely sliced spring onions are also good. I've never tried it with little shrimps, but you can buy cottage cheese with shrimps so I'm sure it would work.
Yogurt Soft Cheese
Line a colander with a clean non-fluffy cloth and pour in a pint of home-made plain yogurt mixed with two teaspoons of ground sea salt. Fold the cloth over the top and put something heavy on top - I use a cast-iron pan full of water. You want to squeeze all the whey out of the yogurt. Leave it overnight on the draining board, then wring the yogurt in the cloth. Clear liquid will come out. When thick white creamy bits start coming through the holes in the cloth you know you have wrung enough. Scrape the thick yogurt cheese off the cloth into a container. Now you can add any flavourings you want, and keep it in the fridge.
Use it just as you would use any soft cheese such as Philadelphia. I like it spread on crackers with a slice of tomato or cucumber.
Yogurt Soft Cheese
Line a colander with a clean non-fluffy cloth and pour in a pint of home-made plain yogurt mixed with two teaspoons of ground sea salt. Fold the cloth over the top and put something heavy on top - I use a cast-iron pan full of water. You want to squeeze all the whey out of the yogurt. Leave it overnight on the draining board, then wring the yogurt in the cloth. Clear liquid will come out. When thick white creamy bits start coming through the holes in the cloth you know you have wrung enough. Scrape the thick yogurt cheese off the cloth into a container. Now you can add any flavourings you want, and keep it in the fridge.
Use it just as you would use any soft cheese such as Philadelphia. I like it spread on crackers with a slice of tomato or cucumber.
Excellent, look forward to giving this a go. I even bought some muslin last summer as I seemed to often read recipes that involve using it so I'm all set. Have been promising myself to make my own yoghurt for ages and it's next on my list of definitely will do's.
I also like the look of your courgette raita recipe and will be trying that out this summer. Last summer was my first try at growing anything and I had loads of courgettes, which grow very well in containers. I found a recipe somewhere for courgette omlette which calls for a similar grating and draining in the beginning and it was absolutely delicious too. You get so many courgettes from a plant it's good to have different ideas to use them up.
Oh, I knew I had a question. Can you do anything with the whey or does it just get thrown out?
Heh - in Parma, the feed the Parmesan whey to the pigs, then make prosciutto.
The thermos Idea is Genius!!! I've always shyed away from making my own yogurt because of the picky temperature maintaining methods. The thermos makes it SO simple sounding! Thanks for putting this information out for the world to see :-D
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