I believe there is food that makes you go "Hmmm" and food that makes you go "Wow!"
I believe you should have the "Wow!" food every day.
I believe the difference between "Wow!" food and "Hmm" food has nothing to do with rare ingredients, fancy cooking techniques or spending lots of time.
I believe it has to do with caring about the food, and respecting its integrity.
What on earth do I mean by "caring about the food, and respecting its integrity"?
I mean that home-made scrambled eggs on toast - made with home-made bread, or a really nice loaf from a good local baker, maybe soda bread or a sourdough loaf, and with home-grown eggs or really nice eggs from a small free-range flock - is more likely to make you go "Wow!" than a Marks and Spencer roast duck in burgundy sauce that you reheated out of a packet.
What do you think? Would you prefer the scrambled eggs on toast or the roast duck?
Definitely the toast and eggs! I've just a homemade roll filled with homegrown tomatoes, homemade onion marmalade and cheese(shop bought- haven't quite progressed to owning a cow and making own cheese!) delicious! who needs m&s food when you've got homemade!
Home made, any day - My Sunday morning treat when my Wife's off at work is a couple of freshly laid eggs on home made toast :)
Sadly, I'd prefer the duck because I'm just not that keen on eggs!
The eggs every time, and I don't much care for eggs, either ... SO easy to make lovely simple food (what about tomatoes on toast Linz?) ... something horrible about all that packaging, and not really knowing or understanding what you're eating. My rule is: if it's got ingredients you wouldn't keep in your kitchen, then don't buy it. In practice, that means most supermarket ready-prepared food is off-limits.
Thanks for this - as always, a very straightforward way of explaining the issues
Our favorite home-made food is pancakes. I cook them for breakfast once a week or so. We all sit at the kitchen table & the kids gather together their toppings (jam, golden syrup, lemon juice, sugar, strawberries, bananas etc) And I stand at the cooker with two frying pans on the go, ladelling in batter, flipping, flipping again, only higher, flipping to see how may flips the pancake will do. Oh, here's a tip; make sure the kitchen floor is freshlyswept/mopped, so that if you drop one ytou can salvage it. My oldest son is not the world's biggest eater but he can manage 3/4 pancakes on a good morning. Right, I'm off to make pancakes xxx
Always the eggs with toasted homemade wholemeal bread. I really believe that what makes a lot of food taste so good is the respect which is shown to it during the production and cooking process.
I'll come down on the side of the eggs too. I've just baked some multigrain bread with the addition of chopped spring onion, cheese, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds. Will have this with fried tomatoes and fried egg tonight.
Scrambled eggs make me heave. I have a real texture problem with some foods. Mashed potato just makes me gag. Don't even try me on rice pudding, sago and all that lot. Just pass the bucket. So it's duck for me, mi old duck.
The satisfaction of collecting your own eggs and then eating them is fantastic and certainly has the wow factor for me!
If I had raised the duck myself then that might be a different matter as the satisfaction of eating meat that you know has had a good life is again very satisfying.
A great thought provoking article. Sara from farmingfriends
Eggs every time. Poached for me though please. :-)
Great post too, you're absolutely spot on!
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