
I think I mentioned that the
ginger beer plant I made wasn't a
real ginger beer plant after all. The real deal is a complex symbiotic organism made up of a yeast and a bacillus (and a bunch of other microorganisms) all living together in a culture. You can't make one, any more than you can make a radish from scratch. You have to get a radish seed from someone who grew radishes themselves. And you have to get a ginger beer plant from someone who already has one.
Well mine arrived in the post this morning, sent by a lovely man in Ulster

who I contacted via the internet. When it arrived in a ziploc bag inside a jiffy bag, it looked like pale yellow beads of jelly. It smelled fresh and slightly gingery. I made it up according to his instructions, by mixing it with water, sugar and ginger in a loosely-capped coffee jar. Since my yeast culture ginger beer plant is called Ginger, I have named this one Fred.
I will let you know how Fred progresses. I can't wait to make him into ginger beer, and I'm keen to compare ginger beer made this way, with the yeast culture I already have.
Nurse it like a baby, Mel. I adore ginger beer and expect to be fed it by the gallon over Christmas.
Oh, I would love to know where to get a real ginger beer plant from? I'd love to buy one.
Dora Renee' Wilkerson
I read this the other day and have sinced trawled the internet trying to find where I can get a ginger beer plant as a starter.
As soon as I start looking for the 'advanced' version you come up top in the search engines!
Can you help?
Certainly, Rob. Drop me an email (use the "Click here to email Melanie" link in the right-hand sidebar) and send me your home address. I'll send you some next time I divide Fred.
How's the plant going now? Did you source the culture in the UK and if so, can you put a link to a supplier? I have been trying but failing to obtain one. With thanks
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