
The local shops and businesses certainly think so. There are "Poynton Against Tesco" posters in most of the local shops and petitions on the counters. And there was a well-attended protest in the village last weekend (I didn't know about it, so I didn't go. I'm on the mailing list now).
Our MP, Sir Nicholas Winterton, agrees. He said:
Another Tesco store will undoubtedly have a huge impact on the local community and, in particular, on the small retail sector. Whilst Tesco’s corporate affairs manager for the North West assures me that Tesco will help bring both jobs and customers back to Poynton, this will surely be at the expense of local independent retailers.
The 2006 all-party parliamentary report "High Street Britain 2015" also agrees. After a detailed examination of the pressures on independent shops, including competition from large supermarket chains, the report concludes that independent newsagents and petrol forecourts are very unlikely to survive and independent convenience stores/grocers are unlikely to survive until 2015.
And the 2005 New Economics Foundation report "Clone Town Britain" stated:
... we are reaching a critical juncture: We can choose to take action that will lead to thriving, diverse, resilient local economies across the UK; or, we can do nothing and condemn ourselves to bland identikit towns dominated by a few bloated retail behemoths.
What do you think? Do large supermarket chains damage local retailers, or is it all hot air?
Today's cartoon from Climate Cartoons.

The whole thing bothers me A LOT! I have this discussion with friends all the time. I'm also afraid you haven't got a hope in stopping them. They always seem to build a wee one first, then the 'community needs' a bigger one, and they build upwards and add clothes and electrical items, and the next time you turn around, your town / village is a ghost town. I think there must be some numerology thing that says their name = 666.
It's very distressing to see, especially in your own village, and ultimately down to the consumers. Local people, who say they want local shops, have to realise that such shops have to make money and need to be patronised.
Gabrielle's mum used to run a Post Office and general store in a Suffolk village and, when it was raining, some locals would pop into the shop and say that they were just waiting out of the rain for the bus to take them to the supermarket. Her prices were often the same, or even cheaper than the supermarket but people didn't care to check, just assuming that a supermarket is inevitably the cheapest place to shop.
You can be sure that these are the same people that would be winging off letters to the Daily Mail complaining that their village was dying and the government should do more to retain local services, blissfully ignorant of their own part in it and failing to see their own responsibilities to their own community.
My advice, don't waste energy trying to stop Tescos but rather try to make the locals see the need to spend time popping in and out of individual bakers, butchers and candlestick maker shops and buy local produce locally.
Bon Courage! as they say round these (French) parts.
Ugh. It reminds me of how Walmart came here a few years ago. Not only did the independent shops suffer, more and more mega chain stores have been spawned. Instead of 1 strip mall on the outskirts of town, there are 4. Along with the requisite traffic jams.
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