
Soda Bread
Dump about 1lb of wholemeal flour (not strong bread flour, just regular baking flour) in a large mixing bowl, add 2 tsps of bicarbonate of soda, 2 tsps cream of tartar (or you could add 4 tsps of baking powder instead of the bicarb and cream of tartar, and if you don't have any cream of tartar, don't worry about it just go ahead and make the recipe anyway with bicarb only) a good grinding of sea salt and 2-4 tsps of brown sugar if you have it.
Mix it all together with your hands, and then add about half of a half pint of milk, stirred yogurt or buttermilk (who has buttermilk nowadays? If you have it, use it, but otherwise just use milk. Oh, and if you didn't have cream of tartar or baking powder, be sure to use buttermilk or yogurt at this stage. If you just have bicarb on its own and plain milk then your bread won't rise. It will still taste good, but it will be very dense and chewy). Mix the flour and liquid together and add more liquid until you have dough. Feel free to add a bit more liquid than I said if that's what's needed to make dough, and if you overdo the liquid, work in a bit more flour. It's not a fussy recipe. As long as you have a ball of dough you're doing fine.
Shape it into more-or-less a ball and plonk it on a greased baking sheet. Sprinkle a few porridge oats on the top if you like (you can add a couple of handfuls of porridge oats to the flour next time if you feel like a change). Make deep cuts in the top, as if you were thinking of cutting it into quarters but changed your mind. Then bake it in a moderate oven until it is done. It will puff up and come apart at the cuts you made, which makes it easy to tear into chunks with your hands. Soda bread cut into neat slices with a knife makes me laugh. I would look at it after about 30 minutes, and take it out and tap it on the bottom. If the top looks cooked and the tap sounds hollow I would call it done, but if the top looks pasty and the tap sounds dull I'd give it another 5-10 minutes.
Thanks Mel. This is one of those things I keep meaning to do (I have made bread before but not for a long while and never soda bread). I think I have everything at home (I have Bextartar which I think is cream of tartar) so might give this a go this evening if I can get to it. Such simple instructions. great stuff.
Yum, this is my staple "bread" I make when I do bake my own (gluten free) as it holds itself in a dough whereas my gf regular bread is all tacky and battery till it cooks and I don't fancy the stickiness.
Love your recipe - you write how I cook (just do this, and if you can't, do this other thing). Any clue on how many cups are in one pound of flour?
Heather, I've seen conversion charts ranging from 3 1/2 to 4 cups of flour to the pound. Fortunately for this recipe that amount of uncertainty is fine.
Mel, if you want the buttermilk taste use regualar milk and add a few drops of lemon or white vinegar. Stir and leave for 15/20 mins and it will sour!
This recipe looks perfect for me since I'm still pretty new to baking breads. I'll have to give it a try. Thanks for sharing this!
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