Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Pepsi Challenge

My authentic ginger beer (Fred) is ready to drink today, so I did my own version of the Pepsi challenge and poured out a glass of Fred beer and a glass of Ginger beer (the yeast-culture version) and got all the family to taste them and say which they liked best.

They didn't know which was which, but they unanimously chose the authentic Fred beer. It's hard to describe flavours in words, and I'm no Oz Clarke, but it has a fuller, more complex taste. It's certainly peppery with the ginger, but it's also fruity and tangy. The yeast culture ginger beer is peppery and sharp. It's refreshing and tasty, and the kids have been drinking it faster than I can make it. But the new one is even better.

So poor old Ginger, the yeast culture ginger beer plant, has to go. I have a batch ready to be made into beer today, but I won't keep the culture going after that. I'll use it to leaven a loaf of ginger bread or something - after all it's yeasty and gingery. But I'll certainly keep Fred going, and I'll try to build him up to make bigger batches for us.


Chile said...

My sweetie decided he wanted to start a new yeast batch with some yeast I got at the brewing store. Didn't even occur to us to use the yeasty sediment for bread. D'oh!

Glad to hear Fred is tasty. I'm going to try a variation on flavoring, with your original recipe, based on this site.

Chile said...

Oops, also meant to ask... Just how cold is your house that your children need to wear the coats inside?! ;-)

Melanie Rimmer said...

They were on their way out to school, that's why they had their coats on. I'm frugal, but I'm not so mean I don't heat the house in winter!

Chile said...

That's right, I don't see your name listed on Crunchy Chicken's Freeze Yer Buns challenge. ;-)

I spent one winter with the heat turned down to 55 during the day. It was actually pretty miserable having to stay bundled up in a blanket anytime I sat. One of those electric warmer pads kept my coffee warm long enough for me to drink it. Ugh. It was really tough on this desert rat!

Anonymous said...

I think maybe if you had re-used your ordinary yeast start it would have developed and matured, perhaps not into a Fred but certainly into a Freda. It's bit like sourdough starters, they grow and change with time too.

Anonymous said...

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