All was going well until I tried to cycle over a railway bridge. I made it over the bridge (barely) but it took everything I had, and afterwards I had jelly legs. I had to get off and push for the last mile, but even then my legs kept giving out on me.
I'm familiar with this phenomenon from when I used to do distance running. Your legs don't hurt, they just won't hold you up. It happens when you push too hard. I used to get it doing speed work (when you sprint for a while, then jog for a while, then sprint, then jog etc.) So I understood why the railway bridge had done for me. When I got back home I sat down, ate a banana and drank some water and I was right as rain in a few minutes, so don't worry. I didn't do any damage, I just tried to do something my legs aren't strong enough for yet.
More practice required, I think. I'm determined to get the family cycling to school next September. I've just won an auction for a pink girls' bike on eBay for Eleanor, so now we all have bikes. The summer holiday has just begun so daily cycling trips are in order - avoiding bridges.
Hi Melanie, I found your blog via scarecrows garden! I know what you mean about 'jelly' legs! I haven't riden a bike for ages so I can imagine how tough that bridge would have
In June, we visited a Scottish Island on foot, planning to hire bikes for the week. We were shocked to find that it was a very hilly island! So jelly legs we understand. At the end of the week we were cycling without a thought of our legs - & feeling great!
Hope the legs have recovered!
It's usually later when you try to sit down that you find out where else hurts from bike riding. lol ;)
That happened to me the first time I cycled along Seaburn, the hill gave me jelly legs. But more than that, my bum hurt from the saddle,so much so that I couldn't get back on the bike next day because of the bruises.
I thought the pink bike was for you when I saw the photo.
Yeah, I get that when the lift at the office stops working, and I'm forced to walk up the five flights of stairs! I always walk down them though - I guess gravity helps!
Good for you, Melanie! All it takes is consistent riding and your legs will get stronger. I remember several years back when I could barely make it to the top of the overpasses. It seemed my legs always conked out about 15 yards from the top. Eventually though I made it up and over with plenty of strength and energy left. Keep Riding!
Very anxious grandad speaking. Please make sure my grandkids are wearing helmets and protective clothing and that they take great care on that road at the end of your street. This applies to you too, of course, Mel. I sincerely hope the weather allows you many happy cycling days together during the rest of the "summer".Thanks for a lovely holiday by the way.
Go you! I made the switch to cycling a couple of years ago and have a trailer for my girls. They love it! My legs still feel like jelly sometimes, but it feels good when you get used to it. And there is nothing like cycling past all those cars stuck in traffic!
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