
You know me well enough by now to know that this is uncharacteristic behaviour. I think it's fair to say I'm freaking out.
The good news is a nice chap from the local beekeeper's association is coming this afternoon to move the bees back from the WBC hive into the National hive. Then this evening we'll move them to their emergency temporary accommodation. So they'll be gone, and my neighbours and husband will be talking to me again.
There are moments in life when it is REALLY hard to practise a zen-like calm, and you've hit one of them. It will pass - and you'll have somewhere lovely to go for your beekeeping, and all will be well.
In the meantime, we are thinking of you on this difficult day.
All the best
I've been following your bee story and have to say I can't blame you for freaking out a bit, especially since yourself and other people were stung. It would be a bad time to discover that someone on your block had a bee allergy eh?
I'm came by to catch up on the last few posts and am so sorry to hear of all this bee trouble! You had not quite inspired me to the point of desiring bees, and I'm now quite positive I don't want to be a bee-keeper. Best wishes towards finding a workable solution to keeping your hives, neighbors, and sweetie-pie. Maybe you could have some t-shirts made up for the neighbors: "I survived Melanie's bees!" :)
Oops, I didn't mean to discourage any would-be beekeepers. I just tell it like it is. I think this is a freakishly unlucky thing to happen to a beekeeping novice - in other words, bl**dy typical.
I love the t-shirt idea!
Don't worry, you didn't discourage a would-be beekeeper. It's not something I feel compelled to try. Got my hands full just trying not to kill off my garden!
Oh wow Mel! What a few days they were and how scary. As I was reading I was wondering why people were just getting stung so easily - hungry bees, yikes! Hope you sort out where to keep them.
his fur is all covered in poison. thats terrible, :(
Yes, I regret it now. I should have just let her out of the window.
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