Sunday, July 22, 2007

Have a Break...

Stephanie will probably shout at me for buying Nestlé, but my excuse is that now they've returned to the beloved paper-and-foil wrapping, KitKats' packaging is 100% recycleable, which is more than you can say for Geobars.

Cartoon from Throbgoblins. I've just noticed that I've printed these in reverse order so they don't make much sense. Doh! Next Sunday I'll be sure to print the cartoons the right way round.


Joanna said...

I feel all nostalgic ... but I won't buy one, because I really can't eat that very sweet milk chocolate any more, that's what three years of only eating the occasional square of black chocolate (mainly Green and Black) does for you - changes your tastebuds so you naturally don't want anything to do with Nestles!


Anonymous said...

Mel, grrrrrr. World Health Association, Nestle salewomen dressed as nurses giving away free boxes of powdered milk in third world countries. Grrrrr.
I hate plastic, but Nestle make me grind my teeth, they really do.

Anonymous said...

Mel, don't do it! Your sister has Nestle sussed. They are never, ever OK. Grrrrrrrrr indeed!

I once worked in a wholefood co-op (On The Eighth Day, Manchester) and did a window display where I showed alternatives to all Nestle's most popular products at the time. I was really proud of it because people not only realised the problem but saw there was an alternative. For powdered milk, we substituted a book on breastfeeding, which got a lot of comments in the late 1980s.

Melanie Rimmer said...

The Nestle boycott celebrates its thirtieth anniversary this year. It isn't working. Time to do something else instead.

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