Ed cleared a bed we had weeded and dug but never planted anything in, and I dug up over 10 stones (over 60kg) of desiree and pink fir apple potatoes. There are still kestrel, red duke of york, and random unknown potatoes still waiting to be dug.
We also picked some blackcurrants, spanish onions and radishes.
Ed thinks that we need to do little and often on the allotment. I'm glad he's come to this decision himself - I didn't want to constantly nag him, but I was getting depressed by the state of the plot, and feeling too overwhelmed to tackle it alone.
We'll go over there again tomorrow and plant something in the beds we cleared - probably salad and fast "catch" crops. And we'll try to clear a little more.
Keep your eyes open on Freecycle and the like for someone getting rid of a rotovator.. then if you have some areas that are fallow at the moment and they start to suffer from an invasion of weeds it is but the work of a few moments to dig them all in, and each time you do it you are putting organic material just under the surface which will encourage worms and such to further improve the soil..
What do you plan to do with all the potatoes? Poteen?
Poteen was Ed's plan but I've got him hooked on latkes instead.
With all the rain we had, my veg garden is a mass of weeds too. The areas that are all right are where I put down water-permeable membrane and planted through holes in that. It's a cheat's way out, but it saves a load of work and stops the plants being smothered.
Poitín ? Yes, oh yes, please! In fact, pretty please.
If I ever did make poteen, I wouldn't blog about it!
I always love your comments on my blog and I haven't found the time to post back until now. Glad you're having a fab time with potatoes - we decided not to bother this year as we didn't really have a great batch last year. Plus with all the endless depressing rain they would probably rot anyway! Pembrokeshire farmers are suffering with Blight of all diseases! Terrible. Your cherries are sooo lovely. Birds ate all of ours even under netting!! Grr!
An extra set of hands is such a bonus but your're right - it has got to be volunteer labour!
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