
Does anyone have any good coconut recipes?
More importantly, does anyone have any tips for getting the meat out of coconuts easily?
Edited at 11:06
Thanks to Steph for pointing out this website that explains how to easily deal with coconuts. I just opened three coconuts and got out the milk and the meat, all in under ten minutes. Plus the bit where you wrap the coconut in a plastic bag, swing it over your head and smash it down on a concrete step is brilliant for working out your frustrations. Maybe Clodhopper should give it a go.
Drill hole.
Drain milk.
Replace with Rum.
Shove straw through hole.
Do not give to the kids.
If you want to break your coconut into nice neat halves, either for making bird feeders or for imitating the sound of horses hooves and you don't have access to a machete, it can be done quite simply with a hammer, a pair of pliers and some strong wire..
After draining the coconut water from the coconut through one of the eyes, take some strong wire (thin wire coathangers are a good source) and wrap it around the centre of the coconut..
Twist the two ends of the wire together using the pliers, and keep twisting until the wire is tight against the shell of the coconut all the way round..
Place the coconut on a hard surface (a concrete floor is ideal) so that one side of the wire is in contact with the floor..
Using the hammer, deliver a few sharp blows to the wire opposite where the coconut is in contact with the hard surface.. if necessary, rotate slightly and hit again..
You should end up with a neatly cloven coconut..
I like the way you think, Burro.
This is how I have cracked a coconut in half. I find a landscape rock in my yard. A brick wont do. The brick will crumble. Start banging the coconut on the rock edge all along its equator. Bang turn a little, bang, turn a little etc. Soon a crack will develop. Hold it over a cup to catch the water. When it is drained, bang some over and it will break in two.
Uses for coconut:
1. Cut off a piece and eat it raw.
2. cut off a few pieces and blend it with as little water as possible and then strain to get coconut milk: Fresh coconut milk for your thai recipes.
3. get a handheld scraper at a Indian store. it has a handle like a knife and a serrated curved edge on top. Use this to get coconut flakes. One coconut will yeild mounds of flakes. Flakes can be frozen. Use the flakes to dress almost any sauteed veges Yum!!
it is good with sauteed to steamed beans, cabbage, beetroot, cauliflower. Basic recipe: chop the veges fine, microwave, steam, or saute over low flame with a cover until cooked. Add a 1/4 or 1/2 cup of flakes and stir. No need to cook the flakes.
4. if you dont want to get a scraper, you can cut off pieces of coocnut from the shell. Each piece will have a brown skin. Cut the brown skin off. Then chop all the coconut pieces in a food processor. It will yeild flakes. Pulse the processor, until you have flakes. If you process too far you will have a mush.
Hope this loong post helps you.
I think I like the mcburro's cure....but how do you get the rum in?
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