
They need to raise at least £100,000 to stay in business, and are appealing for support. It sounds like a lot of money, but it's only about £10 for everyone who attended this year's Gathering (less than they spent on vegeburgers and trinkets, probably). I've wanted to go to the BGG for years, but couldn't persuade Ed to either miss out on Cropredy or else attend two festivals. I'd be gutted if it went out of business before I managed to go, so I'll be supporting their fundraising effort.
If you want to support them too, here's how you can do it:
- Become a BGG shareholder. Shares are available at £40, only one share may be held per person. Details of how to do that are on the BGG Crisis website. If you want to become a shareholder, you can choose to have your application held until after the AGM, so that your cheque would only be cashed if enough money was raised to save the festival.
- Send a cheque made out to BGG Rescue Fund to to BGG, 10 St Johns Sq., Glastonbury BA6 9LJ, or donate online at the donations page. Cheques are better for two reasons: online donations have a hefty processing fee and 30-day delay, and also BGG will hold all cheques and only bank them when they are sure they have raised enough funds to save the festival.
I was at an NCT coffee afternoon yesterday & got chatting to a friend who went to a Green Festival in Newcastle Upon Tyne this year, so I told her all about the crisis at the BGG. She says she's going to look into it. I didn't realise how much your article had roused me until I got chatting to her. Now I need to go find my cheque book.
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