
This is the oldest piece in the show, made by my mum sometime in the 1970s. It's a proper thrift quilt, made from leftover dress making and furnishing fabrics. The technique is known as English paper piecing. Lots of hexagons are cut from paper or card, then the fabric scraps are tacked to the papers. The fabric hexagons are then slipstitched together and the papers can be removed and reused. When the hexagons are arranged into flowers like this the design is known as Grandmother's Flower Garden, although more usually the design would have the flowers separated by "paths".
Mum was a self-taught needlewoman (my late granny could barely sew a button on) and the fact that her creations don't neatly fit into the usual categories reflects that. This jaunty recycled duvet cover has kept three generations warm so far, and is still in daily use. I had to pull it off Tom's bed to take this photo.
There's still time to submit your own quilts and patchwork items to the virtual quilt show. Mail me a photo and a little bit of information. Come back this evening for the prizegiving.
There's still time to submit your own quilts and patchwork items to the virtual quilt show. Mail me a photo and a little bit of information. Come back this evening for the prizegiving.
i love your quilts! is there no end to your talents?! I made a simple patchwork duvet cover recently for my 3 year old which she loves but your work is in a completely different league.
I have a half-finished "Grandmother's Garden" one made from odds and ends of old dresses, etc. that I started back in my youth in the 1970's! I've just never got around to finishing it :-)
I have great memories of that quilt too, and spending an afternoon with you repairing holes a while back.
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