
The other was a copy of the now out-of-print Marguerite Patten book "500 Recipes Home-Made Wines and Drinks". I remember mum had this, and I suspect it is the source of her ginger beer recipe, so I'm going to give it a try.
The book is delightfully 1970s, with tips on throwing the perfect cocktail party (apparently Campari is becoming increasingly popular), and suggestions for dinner parties (she recomends serving creme de menthe, Drambuie or cherry brandy with after-dinner coffee). But it also has recipes for home-made wines, cider, perry, beer and mead. It also has instructions for a variety of liqueurs (like sloe gin), cordials and fruit syrups, and mulled drinks. I don't really need the cocktail recipes - I have survived this long without being able to mix the perfect Singapore sling - but there is plenty more in here I'd like to try.
I've got a copy of that 500 drinks book somewhere, I must look it out. I've also got one called 500 jams and jellies which is useful for variations on what you already know how to do.
I've always meant to get Food for Free - that looks like a lovely shiny new edition ... is it your birthday?
Can we look forward to the review of Food for Free? Please?
No, it's not my birthday, I'm just lucky. I agree - 500 Recipes for Home-Made Wines and Drinks is also suitable if you already know how to do it, and just want some new recipes. It's not really a suitable book for a beginner wine-maker, but it's a useful resource for the more experienced. I'm not surprised that the jams and jellies book from the same series also contains variations on what you already know how to do.
And yes, I'm sure I'll review Food for Free once I've read it. I've flicked through and I like the look of it so far.
I believe we already have both of those books :-)
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